Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 152 Buin-Zahra - Saveh

That was a pretty cold night - the lowest in-tent temperature I checked was -1°C, probably it got colder. I found some sleep by covering my sleeping bag with clothes. When I got out of the tent it was frozen from outside. We took a long time to get up, have breakfast and pack our stuff - we finally got on the road around 11.
At first the landscape was not as boring as yesterday: we even had to climb a small mountain. Somewhere during the climb we met a retired french hippie-couple in a camper van on their way to India. They are living their life the right way - they had an impressive travel history and now got the camper van to keep on travelling with a bit of comfort.
We kept on cycling up to the top and thought the hardest part would be over. We were wrong: 50km of busy highway, no landscape, strong headwind. Ugh! Not nice! After a long hard ride we finally saw some street lights anouncing the descend to Saveh. We got to Saveh very exhausted long after sunset. That was when the nice part of the day started: we were invited to a huge tasty dinner by couchsurfer Ali and his extended family. Ali was a very nice host: We chatted, ate, met several family members and learned some more Farsi.

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