Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 149 Abhar - Qazvin

When we looked out of the window it still looked cold - but when we got on the bikes it soon felt considerably warmer. I guess we finally made it out of the very cold zone, yeah ! We started very late because we got up too late, we had a long breakfast and afterwards a price discussion at the hotel - we finally found an agreement around 10.30.
While I was happily cycling, enjoying the warmer weather and the sun my front carrier broke once again. It was not too bad - I could cycle on - but it still does not feel very safe to me. Maybe I can fix it somehow in Qazvin, let's see. During the ride the wide valley opened up and we finally rode along a huge plain. There was not much to see around - just the normal pictures of the Ayatollas and the Martyrs in each town on the road. People however were very friendly - we again were invited several times (and turned down the offers as we wanted to get to Qazvin before sunset). Once we had fought our way through the city traffic and found a hotel we just relaxed, had a big dinner, quickly went to an internet cafe and organized some more food - the best from our respective countries: Swiss fit muesli (which turned out to be very good) and Non-alcohic Bitburger with Tropical flavour (which turned out to be rather strange).

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