Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 099 Cayirözü - Tokmak

When I met Michal a few days ago we were shortly after presented with some grapes. Today shortly before we parted we were presented with some apples. I take this as a sign of luck for both of us. We were cycling together to the town of Develi where a man supervising the loading of a apple truck waved at us, handed us two handful of apples each and waved us goodbye. This random acts of hospitality will never stop to amaze me.
After a short apple-washing and icecream stop we climbed a last hill together before the road branched out: Michal turned right to South Africa, I turned left to India. You can follow Michals progress on his blog: He has some challenges coming, e.g. crossing unstable Syria - but he knows what he is doing and he will make it!
So, I am alone on the road again. The rest of the ride was pretty unspectacular but easy. My only sorrow were some dark clouds hovering over the mountains, but fortunately there was no rain. The sunset is getting earlier and earlier - it surprised me around 6pm. I quickly took a dirt path and found a nice camping spot: sheltered by trees and with a great view into the valley.

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